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생목살 Pork shoulder Butt

by 도매 All That Meat 2020. 8. 19.

등심에서 목쪽으로 이어지는 부위로 성장기 어린이들에게 좋은 필수아미노산과 양질의 단백질이 풍부합니다. 등심쪽에 납작한 오도독뼈가 있으며 살결은 약간 거칠고 단단하지만 삽겹살 다음으로 서민들에게 사랑받는 고기 부위죠.  삼겹살보다는 맛이 진하고 가장 돈육다운 육질 부위로 취급됩니다. 기름기가 적어 수육 또는 보쌈으로 좋고 양념을 해서 요리하는 부위로도 많이 쓰여요.

Pork shoulder Butt is the area that extends from the loin to the neck, and it is rich in essential amino acids and high-quality protein, which are good for growing children. There is a flat bone on the side of the loin, and the texture is a little rough and hard, but it is a meat cut that is loved by the common people after the Pork Belly. It has a richer taste than pork belly and is treated as the most meaty part of pork. It's low-fat, so it's good for boiled pork or bossam, and it's often used as a seasoning and cooking part.

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